Full Name (w/o title) | NID | Publication Year | Role | Publication Detail (use APA Style) | URL/DOI | Scopus | Scimago |
Arie Hardian | 412185787 | 2018 | Co-Author | Phiciato, P., Monika, I., & Hardian, A. Heat Treatment of Pitch Obtained from Atmospheric Fixed-Bed Coal Gasification. Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, 18(3), 560-565. | https://jurnal.ugm.ac.id/ijc/article/view/31731 | Yes | Q3 |
Arie Hardian | 412185787 | 2018 | Co-Author | Noviyanti, A. R., Hastiawan, I., Eddy, D. R., Adham, M. B., Hardian, A., & Syarif, D. G. (2018). Preparation and Conductivity of La9. 33 Si6O26 (LSO)-Ce0. 85Gd0. 15O1. 925 (CGO15) Composite Based Electrolyte for IT-SOFC. Oriental Journal of Chemistry, 34(4), 2125. | http://dx.doi.org/10.13005/ojc/3404053 | Yes | Q3 |
Anceu Murniati | 412126369 | 2018 | First Author | Murniati, A., Buchari, B., Gandasasmita, S., Nurachman, Z., & Nurhanifah, N. (2018). Characterization of Polyphenol Oxidase Application as Phenol Removal in Extracts of Rejected White Oyster Mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus). Oriental Journal of Chemistry, 34(3), 1457-1468. | http://dx.doi.org/10.13005/ojc/340336 | Yes | Q4 |
Dian Indiyati | 412129567 | 2016 | First Author | Indiyati, D. (2016). An Influence of Knowledge Management to the Intellectual Capital and the Effect to the Competitive Advantage. Sains Humanika, 8(1-2). | https://sainshumanika.utm.my/index.php/sainshumanika/article/view/826 | | No |
Dian Indiyati | 412129567 | 2016 | First Author | Ramdhany, M. A. PERSONALITY AS A DETERMINANT OF THE PERFORMANCE OF LECTURERS. | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Muhamad_Ramdhany/publication/308592756_Personality_as_a_determi | | No |
Dian Indiyati | 412129567 | 2016 | First Author | Indiyati, D. (2016). The Significance of Competitive Advantage at Universities in Indonesia. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, 5(2), 226. | http://sibresearch.org/uploads/3/4/0/9/34097180/riber_k16-138__226-238_.pdf | | No |
Ferikawita Magdalena Sembiring | 412134872 | 2016 | First Author | Sembiring, F. M., Paramita, V. S., & Malik, A. P. (2016). The Estimation Model for Measuring Performance of Stock Mutual Funds Based on ARCH/GARCH Model. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, 5(2), 215-225. | http://sibresearch.org/uploads/3/4/0/9/34097180/riber_k16-136__215-225_.pdf | | No |
Heni Nurani Hartikayanti | 412119960 | 2016 | First Author | Hartikayanti, H. N., Bramanti, F. L., & Siregar, I. W. (2016). Applying Importance-Performance Analysis for Improving Empowerment of Cooperative in Cimahi. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, 5(2), 196. | http://www.sibresearch.org/uploads/3/4/0/9/34097180/riber_k16-100__196-214_.pdf | | No |
Soraya Riyanti | 412169181 | 2016 | First Author | Riyanti, S., Suganda, A. G., & Sukandar IV, E. Y. (2016). Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV Inhibitory Activity of Some Indonesian Medicinal Plants. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, 9(2), 375-7. | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Soraya_Riyanti/publication/317830722_Dipeptidyl_peptidase-IV_in | | No |
Sri Wahyuningsih | 412148957 | 2016 | First Author | Wahyuningsih, S., & ElinYulinahSukandar, S. (2016). In Vitro Xanthine Oxidase Inhibitor Activity of Ethanol Extract and Fraction Roselle Calyx (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.). Extraction, 94, 5-35. | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Elin_Sukandar/publication/304945385_In_vitro_xanthine_oxidase_i | | Q4 |
Sri Wahyuningsih | 412148957 | 2016 | First Author | Wahyuningsih, S., SUKANDAR, E. Y., & SUKRASNOa, D. N. L. (2016). Antihyperuricemia activity of the ethanol extract of Roselle calyx and its fraction (Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn) on male wistar rats. Int. J. Pharm. Pharm. Sci, 8, 278-280. | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Elin_Sukandar/publication/304945385_In_vitro_xanthine_oxidase_i | | Q2 |
Yenny Febriani Yun | 412126469 | 2016 | First Author | Yun, Y. F., Hermanto, F., Aisyah, L. S., Saputra, T. R., Hakim, A. R., Ningsih, A. K., ... & Supratman, U. (2016). The Phenolic Compound from Kalanchoe blossfeldiana (Crassulaceae) Leaf and Its Antiplasmodial Activity against Plasmodium falciparum 3D7. Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, 16(2), 156-161. | https://journal.ugm.ac.id/ijc/article/view/21159 | | Q3 |
Arie Hardian | 412185787 | 2014 | First Author | Hardian, A., Choi, G. M., Suendo, V., & Ismunandar. (2014). Structure and ionic conductivity of codoped ceria for IT-SOFC electrolytes. Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society, 50(2), 99-109. | https://www.austceram.com/volume-50-number-2-2014/ | Yes | Q3 |
Khomaini Hasan | 412191079 | 2016 | Co-Author | ISMAYA, R. A. W. T., PUSPASARI, F., & HASAN, K. Heterologous Expression of a-Amylase from Saccharomycopsis Fibuligera R64 and Its Tyr401Trp Mutant in Pichia Pastoris. | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Wangsa_Ismaya/publication/305659194_Heterologous_Expression_of_ | | |
Euis Reni Yuslianti | 412165977 | 2016 | Co-Author | Yuslianti, E. R., Bachtiar, B. M., Suniarti, D. F., Sutjiatmo, A. B., & Mozef, T. (2016). Effect of Rambutan-honey and its Flavonoid on TGF-β1 Induce Fibroplasia Oral Wound Healing. Research Journal of Medicinal Plants, 10: 435, 442. | http://docsdrive.com/pdfs/academicjournals/rjmp/2016/435-442.pdf | | Q3 |
Iis Inayati Rakhmat | 412164472 | 2016 | | Rachmat, I. I., Yuslianti, E. R., Permatasari, G. F., & Koswara, T. (2017). Antihyperglycemic effect of rambutan honey in alloxan-induced diabetic Wistar rats. Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology, 12, 42-49. | http://docsdrive.com/pdfs/academicjournals/jpt/2017/42-49.pdf | | Q3 |
Iis Inayati Rachmat | 412164472 | 2017 | First Author | Rachmat, I. I., Yuslianti, E. R., Permatasari, G. F., & Koswara, T. (2017). Antihyperglycemic effect of rambutan honey in alloxan-induced diabetic Wistar rats. Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology, 12, 42-49. | http://dx.doi.org/10.3923/jpt.2017.42.49 | Yes | Q4 |
Myrna Nurlatifah Zakaria | 412175080 | 2016 | First Author | Zakaria, M. N. (2016). Saving the pulp and essential issues in pulp-capping treatment. J Dentomaxillofac Sci, 1(2), 73-6. | http://tiikg10_fkg.unhas.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/naskah-yang-sesuai-dengan-template.pdf | | No |
Myrna Nurlatifah Zakaria | 412175080 | 2016 | First Author | Zakaria, M. N., Cahyanto, A., & El-Ghannam, A. (2017). Basic properties of novel bioactive cement based on silica-calcium phosphate composite and carbonate apatite. In Key Engineering Materials (Vol. 720, pp. 147-152). Trans Tech Publications. | https://www.scientific.net/KEM.720.147 | | No |
Athina Mardatillah | 412186890 | 2016 | First Author | Mardhatillah, A., Mutakin, M., & Levita, J. (2016). FeCl3-catalyzed Synthesis of Dehydrodiisoeugenol. International Journal of Chemistry, 8(1). | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jutti_Levita/publication/284206076_FeCl3-catalyzed_Synthesis_of | | Q1 |
Saskia Lenggogeni Nasroen | 412178275 | 2016 | First Author | Nasroen, S. L., Tajrin, A., Fauziah, P. N., Maskoen, A. M., Soemantri, E. S. S., Soedjana, H., & Hilmanto, D. (2017). TGFß3/SfaN1 gene variant and the risk factor of nonsyndromic cleft palate only among Indonesian patients. Cell Mol Biol (Noisy le Grand), 63(2). | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Prima_Fauziah/publication/315823927_Cellular_and_Molecular_Biol | | Q1 |
Myrna Nurlatifah Zakaria | 412175080 | 2016 | First Author | Zakaria, M. N., Furuta, M., Takeshita, T., Shibata, Y., Sundari, R., Eshima, N., ... & Yamashita, Y. (2017). Oral mycobiome in community‐dwelling elderly and its relation to oral and general health conditions. Oral diseases, 23(7), 973-982. | https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/odi.12682 | | No |
Esmeralda Contessa Djamal | 412127670 | 2016 | First Author | Djamal, E. C., Suprijanto, S., & Setiadi, S. J. (2016). Classification of EEG-Based Hand Grasping Imagination Using Autoregressive and Neural Networks. Jurnal Teknologi, 78(6-6). | https://jurnalteknologi.utm.my/index.php/jurnalteknologi/article/view/9035 | | No |
Lilis Siti Aisyah | 412143169 | 2016 | First Author | Aisyah, L. S., Yun, Y. F., Abdilla, A. A., Herlina, T., Julaeha, E., & Supratman, U. (2016). Flavonoid Compounds From The Leaves Of Kalanchoe Tomentosa And Their Cytotoxic Activity Against P-388 Murine Leukemia Cell. Akta Kimia Indonesia, 1(1), 1-4. | http://www.iptek.its.ac.id/index.php/kimia/article/view/1413 | | No |
Lilis Siti Aisyah | 412143169 | 2016 | First Author | Aisyah, L. S., Yun, Y. F., Abdilla, A. A., Herlina, T., Julaeha, E., & Supratman, U. (2016). Flavonoid Compounds From The Leaves Of Kalanchoe Tomentosa And Their Cytotoxic Activity Against P-388 Murine Leukemia Cell. Akta Kimia Indonesia, 1(1), 1-4. | https://benthamopen.com/ABSTRACT/CHEM-2-36 | | No |
Yenny Febriani Yun | 412126469 | 2016 | First Author | Yun, Y. F., Hermanto, F., Aisyah, L. S., Saputra, T. R., Hakim, A. R., Ningsih, A. K., ... & Supratman, U. (2016). The Phenolic Compound from Kalanchoe blossfeldiana (Crassulaceae) Leaf and Its Antiplasmodial Activity against Plasmodium falciparum 3D7. Indonesian Journal of Chemistry, 16(2), 156-161. | https://journal.ugm.ac.id/ijc/article/view/21159 | | Q3 |
Esmeralda Contessa Djamal | 412127670 | 2016 | First Author | Djamal, E. C., Abdullah, M. Y., & Renaldi, F. (2017). Brain Computer Interface Game Controlling Using Fast Fourier Transform and Learning Vector Quantization. Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC), 9(2-5), 71-74. | http://journal.utem.edu.my/index.php/jtec/article/view/2396 | | Q4 |
Hendriyana | 412166382 | 2016 | Co-Author | Prasetyaningsih, Y., Hendriyana, H., & Susanto, H. (2016). Influence of Impregnation and Coprecipitation Method in Preparation of Cu/ZnO Catalyst for Methanol Synthesis. Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, 48(4), 442-450. | http://journals.itb.ac.id/index.php/jets/article/view/2962 | | Q2 |
Putu Teta P. Aryanti | 412190174 | 2016 | Co-Author | Wenten, I. G., Aryanti, P. T. P., Khoiruddin, K., Hakim, A. N., & Himma, N. F. (2016). Advances in polysulfone-based membranes for hemodialysis. Journal of Membrane Science and Research, 2(2), 78-89. | http://www.msrjournal.com/article_19155_2644.html | | Q2 |
Putu Teta P. Aryanti | 412190174 | 2016 | Co-Author | Aryanti, P. T. P., Joscarita, S. R., Wardani, A. K., Subagjo, S., Ariono, D., & Wenten, I. G. (2016). The influence of PEG400 and acetone on polysulfone membrane morphology and fouling behaviour. Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, 48(2), 135-149. | http://journals.itb.ac.id/index.php/jets/article/view/2088 | | Q2 |
Rinto Yusriski | 412156278 | 2016 | First Author | Yusriski, R., Samadhi, T. M. A. A., & Halim, A. H. (2016, February). An integer batch scheduling model for a single machine with simultaneous learning and deterioration effects to minimize total actual flow time. In IOP conference series: materials science and engineering (Vol. 114, No. 1, p. 012073). IOP Publishing. | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/114/1/012073/pdf | | Q2 |
Sutarno | 412185058 | 2016 | First Author | Soepriyanto, S., Korda, A. A., & Dirgantara, T. (2016, August). The influences of calcia silica contents to the compressive strength of the Al-7000 aluminium foam. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 739, No. 1, p. 012123). IOP Publishing. | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/739/1/012123/meta | | Q3 |
| | 2017 | First Author | Indrawati, D., Hadihardaja, I. K., Adityawan, M. B., Pahrizal, S. F., & Taufik, F. (2018). Diversion Canal to Decrease Flooding (Case Study: Kebon Jati-Kalibata Segment, Ciliwung River Basin). In MATEC Web of Conferences (Vol. 147, p. 03006). EDP Sciences. | https://www.matec-conferences.org/articles/matecconf/abs/2018/06/matecconf_sibe2018_03006/matecconf_ | | Q3 |
Dian Indrawati | 412179581 | 2017 | First Author | Indrawati, D., Hadihardaja, I. K., Adityawan, M. B., Pahrizal, S. F., & Taufik, F. (2018). Diversion Canal to Decrease Flooding (Case Study: Kebon Jati-Kalibata Segment, Ciliwung River Basin). In MATEC Web of Conferences (Vol. 147, p. 03006). EDP Sciences. | https://www.matec-conferences.org/articles/matecconf/abs/2018/06/matecconf_sibe2018_03006/matecconf_ | | Q3 |
Myrna Nurlatifah Zakaria | 412175080 | 2017 | First Author | Zakaria, M. N., Cahyanto, A., & El-Ghannam, A. (2017). Basic properties of novel bioactive cement based on silica-calcium phosphate composite and carbonate apatite. In Key Engineering Materials (Vol. 720, pp. 147-152). Trans Tech Publications. | https://www.scientific.net/KEM.720.147 | | Q3 |
Eka Noneng Nawangsih | 412139671 | 2017 | First Author | Nawangsih, E. N., Paryati, S. P. Y., Effendy, J. S., Sudigdoadi, S., Sahiratmadja, E., Hilmi, D., & Sovia, E. (2017). Isolation of anti-idiotype minor capsid Human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV 16 L2) IgY from egg yolk as immunogen of HPV vaccine. Nusantara Bioscience, 9(3), 282-287. | https://smujo.id/nb/article/view/2158 | | No |
Eka Noneng Nawangsih | 412139671 | 2017 | First Author | Nawangsih, E. N., Paryati, S. P. Y., Baklaes, Y. L., & Yuslianti, E. R. (2017). Effect of Munghurt Lactobacillus acidophilus from Green Beans to Blood Glucose Levels in Alloxan-induced Diabetic Rats. Research Journal of Medicinal Plants, 11: 41, 47. | http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Journals | | No |
Eka Noneng Nawangsih | 412139671 | 2017 | First Author | Nawangsih, E. N., Paryati, S. P. Y., Baklaes, Y. L., & Yuslianti, E. R. (2017). Effect of Munghurt Lactobacillus acidophilus from Green Beans to Blood Glucose Levels in Alloxan-induced Diabetic Rats. Research Journal of Medicinal Plants, 11: 41, 47. | http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Journals | | No |
Myrna Nurlatifah Zakaria | 412175080 | 2017 | Co-Author | Cahyanto, A., Rezano, A., Zakaria, M. N., & El-Ghannam, A. (2017). Synthesis and characterization of a novel SCPC-CO3AP cement for pulp capping application in dentistry. In Key Engineering Materials (Vol. 758, pp. 29-33). Trans Tech Publications. | https://www.scientific.net/KEM.758.29 | | No |
Myrna Nurlatifah Zakaria | 412175080 | 2017 | Co-Author | Cahyanto, A., Megasari, E., Zakaria, M. N., Djustiana, N., Usri, K., Aripin, D., ... & Widyaputra, S. S. (2017). Fabrication of carbonate apatite cement as endodontic sealer. In Key Engineering Materials (Vol. 758, pp. 61-65). Trans Tech Publications. | https://www.scientific.net/KEM.758.61 | | No |
Myrna Nurlatifah Zakaria | 412175080 | 2017 | Co-Author | Zakaria, M. N., Pauziah, N. F. N., Sabirin, I. P., & Cahyanto, A. (2017). Evaluation of carbonate apatite cement in inducing formation of reparative dentin in exposed dental pulp. In Key Engineering Materials (Vol. 758, pp. 250-254). Trans Tech Publications. | https://www.scientific.net/KEM.758.250 | | No |
Myrna Nurlatifah Zakaria | 412175080 | 2017 | First Author | Zakaria, M. N., Furuta, M., Takeshita, T., Shibata, Y., Sundari, R., Eshima, N., ... & Yamashita, Y. (2017). Oral mycobiome in community‐dwelling elderly and its relation to oral and general health conditions. Oral diseases, 23(7), 973-982. | https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/odi.12682 | | No |
Sayu Putu Yuni Paryati | 412165265 | 2017 | First Author | Solehati, T., Kosasih, C. E., Susilawati, S., Lukman, M., & Paryati, S. P. Y. (2017). Effect of school community empowerment model towards handwashing implementation among elementary school students in Dayeuhkolot subdistrict. Kesmas: National Public Health Journal, 11(3), 111-116. | http://journal.fkm.ui.ac.id/kesmas/article/view/1171 | | No |
Kusnandar | 412124461 | 2017 | Co-Author | Munir, A., & Najmurrokhman, A. (2017). High Sensitivity Very Low Frequency Receiver for Earthquake Data Acquisition. Telkomnika, 15(1), 150. | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Asep_Najmurrokhman/publication/312579509_High_Sensitivity_Very_ | | No |
Putu Teta P. Aryanti | 412190174 | 2017 | Co-Author | Wenten, I. G., Dharmawijaya, P. T., Aryanti, P. T. P., & Mukti, R. R. (2017). LTA zeolite membranes: current progress and challenges in pervaporation. RSC advances, 7(47), 29520-29539. | https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlehtml/2017/ra/c7ra03341a | | Q2 |
Suhartono | 412124265 | 2017 | Co-Author | Putri, T. A., & Fauziah, L. (2017). Performance Evaluation of a Pressurized Cooking Stove Using Vegetable Cooking Oils as Fuel. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 7(4), 1255-1261. | http://insightsociety.org/ojaseit/index.php/ijaseit/article/view/2430 | | Q3 |
Dian Indrawati | 412179581 | 2017 | Co-Author | Indrawati, D., Suryadi, Y., Saputro, D. P., Taufik, I., & Adityawan, M. B. (2017). Evaluation of flood management plan on Cilemer river basin, Indonesia. European Water J. E, 57, 49-56. | https://www.ewra.net/ew/pdf/EW_2017_57_07.pdf | | No |
Dian Indrawati | 412179581 | 2017 | First Author | Indrawati, D., Hadihardaja, I. K., Adityawan, M. B., Pahrizal, S. F., & Taufik, F. (2018). Diversion Canal to Decrease Flooding (Case Study: Kebon Jati-Kalibata Segment, Ciliwung River Basin). In MATEC Web of Conferences (Vol. 147, p. 03006). EDP Sciences. | https://www.matec-conferences.org/articles/matecconf/abs/2018/06/matecconf_sibe2018_03006/matecconf_ | | No |
Rinto Yusriski | 412156278 | 2017 | First Author | Yusriski, R., Samadhi, T. M. A. A., & Halim, A. H. (2018, March). An integer batch scheduling model considering learning, forgetting, and deterioration effects for a single machine to minimize total inventory holding cost. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 319, No. 1, p. 012038). IOP Publishing. | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/319/1/012038/meta | | No |
Rinto Yusriski | 412156278 | 2017 | Co-Author | Yusriski, R. (2017). Stepwise optimization for model of integrated batch production and maintenance scheduling for single item processed on flow shop with two machines in JIT environment. Procedia computer science, 116, 408-420. | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877050917321312 | | Q4 |
Suhartono | 412124265 | 2017 | First Author | Ahyati, A. E. (2018, January). The properties of vegetable cooking oil as a fuel and its utilization in a modified pressurized cooking stove. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 105, No. 1, p. 012047). IOP Publishing. | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/105/1/012047/meta | | Q2 |
Putu Teta P. Aryanti | 412190174 | 2017 | First Author | Aryanti, P. T. P., Sianipar, M., Zunita, M., & Wenten, I. G. (2017). Modified membrane with antibacterial properties. Membrane Water Treatment, 8(5), 463-481. | http://repository.unjani.ac.id/repository/fceb775f9534b7395da1c0bb50e11632.pdf | | Q3 |
Esmeralda Contessa Djamal | 412127670 | 2017 | First Author | Djamal, E. C., Abdullah, M. Y., & Renaldi, F. (2017). Brain computer interface game controlling using fast fourier transform and learning vector quantization. Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC), 9(2-5), 71-74. | http://journal.utem.edu.my/index.php/jtec/article/view/2396 | | No |
Esmeralda Contessa Djamal | 412127670 | 2017 | First Author | Djamal, E. C., Indrawan, R., Pratama, J., & Renaldi, F. (2017). EEG Based Neuropsychology of Advertising Video Using Fast Fourier Transform and Support Vector Machine. Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC), 9(3-7), 105-109. | http://journal.utem.edu.my/index.php/jtec/article/view/3083 | | No |
Dian Indiyati | 412129567 | 2017 | First Author | Indiyati, D. (2018). The role of organisational culture, intellectual capital and competitive advantage in supporting the government policies in education. International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies, 11(1-2), 68-82. | https://www.inderscienceonline.com/doi/abs/10.1504/IJEPEE.2018.091028 | | No |
Iing Nurdin | 412143767 | 2017 | First Author | Nurdin, I., Suaib, E., & Banne, I. R. (2017). Filipinazion of Indonesian Politics: Politics of Family Formation in Southeast Sulawesi. Scientific Journal of PPI-UKM, 3(7), 333-340. | http://www.kemalapublisher.com/index.php/ppi-ukm/article/view/248 | | No |
Fikri Alatas, S.Si | 412152873 | 2017 | First Author | ALATAS, F., APRILLIANA, M., & GOZALI, D. (2017). THE PREPARATION AND SOLUBILITY OF LORATADINE-FUMARIC ACID BINARY MIXTURE. Asian J Pharm Clin Res, 10(1), 331-334. | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Fikri_Alatas/publication/313376565_The_preparation_and_solubili | | No |
Fikri Alatas | 412152873 | 2017 | First Author | ALATAS, F., APRILLIANA, M., & GOZALI, D. (2017). THE PREPARATION AND SOLUBILITY OF LORATADINE-FUMARIC ACID BINARY MIXTURE. Asian J Pharm Clin Res, 10(1), 331-334. | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Fikri_Alatas/publication/313376565_The_preparation_and_solubili | | No |
Jeffrey | 412173378 | 2018 | First Author | Jeffrey, J., Meliawaty, F., & Rahaju, A. (2018). Maternal Education Level and Child's Anxiety on Dental Extraction. Journal of Medicine & Health, 2(1). | https://journal.maranatha.edu/index.php/jmh/article/view/738 | | |
Nadiem Anwar | 412124861 | 2018 | First Author | Anwar, N., Mukhaimin, I., Harsanti, M., & Romli, A. (2018). Study of Acid Hydrolysis on Organic Waste: Understanding The Effect of Delignification and Particle Size. In MATEC Web of Conferences (Vol. 156, p. 03006). EDP Sciences. | https://www.matec-conferences.org/articles/matecconf/abs/2018/15/matecconf_rsce2018_03006/matecconf_ | | Q3 |
Putu Teta P. Aryanti | 412190174 | 2018 | Co-Author | Himma, N. F., Wardani, A. K., Prasetya, N., Aryanti, P. T., & Wenten, I. G. (2019). Recent progress and challenges in membrane-based O2/N2 separation. Reviews in Chemical Engineering, 35(5), 591-625. | https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/revce.2019.35.issue-5/revce-2017-0094/revce-2017-0094.xml | | Q1 |
Putu Teta P. Aryanti | 412190174 | 2018 | Co-Author | Ariono, D., Wardani, A. K., Widodo, S., Aryanti, P. T., & Wenten, I. G. (2018). Fouling mechanism in ultrafiltration of vegetable oil. Materials Research Express, 5(3), 034009. | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/2053-1591/aab69f/meta | | Q3 |
Anceu Murniati | 412126369 | 2018 | First Author | Murniati, A., Buchari, B., Gandasasmita, S., Nurachman, Z., & Nurhanifah, N. (2018). Characterization of Polyphenol Oxidase Application as Phenol Removal in Extracts of Rejected White Oyster Mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus). Oriental Journal of Chemistry, 34(3), 1457-1468. | http://www.orientjchem.org/vol34no3/characterization-of-polyphenol-oxidase-application-as-phenol-rem | | Q4 |
Asep Kurniawan | | | | | | | |
Rina Indrayani | 412191779 | 2019 | Co-Author | Indrayani, R., & Pardiyono, R. (2019, July). Decision Support System to Choose Private Higher Education Based on Service Quality Model Criteria in Indonesia. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1179, No. 1, p. 012036). IOP Publishing. | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1179/1/012036/meta | Yes | Q3 |
Rinto Yusriski | 412156278 | 2019 | Co-Author | Zahedi, Z., Salim, A., Yusriski, R., & Haris, H. (2019). Optimization of an integrated batch production and maintenance scheduling on flow shop with two machines. International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 10(2), 225-238. | http://m.growingscience.com/beta/ijiec/2957-optimization-of-an-integrated-batch-production-and-maint | Yes | Q3 |
S. Sasongko | 412165166 | 2019 | First Author | Sasongko, S. (2015). PENGARUH GLUTATION PEROKSIDASE MIMETIK PERORAL TERHADAP KADAR GLUTATION PEROKSIDASE DAN MALONDIALDEHID DARAH SERTA NILAI EMISI OTOAKUSTIK PADA PRAJURIT DENGAN RISIKO TRAUMA AKUSTIK AKIBAT LEDAKAN MERIAM HOWITZER 105-Effect Of Orally Administered Glutathione Peroxidase Mimetic Towards Glutathione And Malondialdehyde Blood Level And Otoacoustic Emissions Result In Soldiers With Acoustic Trauma Risk Caused By Howitzer 105 Artillery Weapon Blast. Indonesian Journal of Applied Sciences, 5(1). | http://jurnal.unpad.ac.id/ijas/article/view/16651 | Yes | Q3 |
Putu Teta Prihartini Aryanti | 412190174 | 2020 | Corresponding Author | Wenten, I. G., Khoiruddin, K., Hakim, A. N., Aryanti, P. T., & Rova, N. (2020). Long-Term Performance of a Pilot Scale Combined Chemical Precipitation-Ultrafiltration Technique for Waste Brine Regeneration at Chevron Steam Flooding Plant. Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, 52(4), 501-513. | http://journals.itb.ac.id/index.php/jets/article/view/12792/pdf_80 | Yes | Q2 |
Elin Nurlina | 412110066 | 2020 | Co-Author | Hartati, E., Musodiqoh, N. A., Nurlina, E., & Permadi, D. A. (2020). Effect of Hyphomicrobium sp. in biogas formation from organic waste treated by batch mode anaerobic digestion. Environment and Natural Resources Journal, xx-xx. | https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ennrj/article/view/240473/163749 | Yes | Q3 |
Asep Najmurrokhman | 412132571 | 2020 | Co-Author | Saputra, D. I., Rohmat, A., Najmurrokhman, A., & Fakhri, Z. Implementation of fuzzy inference system algorithm in brooding system simulator with the concept of IoT and wireless nodes. | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/830/3/032038/pdf | | No |
Putu Teta P. Aryanti | 412190174 | 2020 | First Author | Aryanti, P. T. P., Subroto, E., Mangindaan, D., Widiasa, I. N., & Wenten, I. G. (2020). Semi-industrial high-temperature ceramic membrane clarification during starch hydrolysis. Journal of Food Engineering, 274, 109844. | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S026087741930487X | Yes | Q1 |
Putu Teta P. Aryanti | 412190174 | 2020 | Co-Author | Wenten, I. G., Khoiruddin, K., Aryanti, P. T., Victoria, A. V., & Tanukusuma, G. (2020). Membrane-based zero-sludge palm oil mill plant. Reviews in Chemical Engineering, 36(2), 237-263. | https://www.degruyter.com/view/journals/revce/36/2/article-p237.xml | Yes | Q1 |
Putu Teta P. Aryanti | 412190174 | 2020 | Corresponding Author | Nugroho, F. A., Sani, M. M., Apriyanti, F., & Aryanti, P. T. P. (2020, March). The Influence of Applied Current Strength and Electrode Configuration in Laundry Wastewater Treatment by Electrocoagulation. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1477, p. 052018). | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1477/5/052018/pdf | Yes | No |
Putu Teta P. Aryanti | 412190174 | 2020 | Co-Author | Wenten, I. G., Khoiruddin, K., Wardani, A. K., Aryanti, P. T. P., Astuti, D. I., & Komaladewi, A. A. I. A. S. (2020). Preparation of antifouling polypropylene/ZnO composite hollow fiber membrane by dip-coating method for peat water treatment. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 34, 101158. | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2214714420300374 | Yes | Q2 |
Putu Teta P. Aryanti | 412190174 | 2020 | Co-Author | Sidabutar, D., Putri, E., Putri, N. A., Sakinah, S., & Aryanti, P. T. P. (2020, March). Modification of PVC Membrane for Humic Substance Removal in Peat Water. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1477, p. 052014). | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1477/5/052014/pdf | Yes | No |
Asep Najmurrokhman | 412132571 | 2020 | Co-Author | Djamal, E. C., Fadhilah, H., Najmurrokhman, A., Wulandari, A., & Renaldi, F. (2020). Emotion brain-computer interface using wavelet and recurrent neural networks. International Journal of Advances in Intelligent Informatics, 6(1), 1-12. | https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/295626587.pdf | Yes | Q4 |
Febrianto Adinugroho | 412142766 | 2020 | First Author | Nugroho, F. A., Sani, M. M., Apriyanti, F., & Aryanti, P. T. P. (2020, March). The Influence of Applied Current Strength and Electrode Configuration in Laundry Wastewater Treatment by Electrocoagulation. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1477, p. 052018) | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1477/5/052018/pdf | Yes | No |
Arie Hardian | 412185787 | 2020 | Co-Author | Wardhana, Y. W., Hardian, A., Chaerunisa, A. Y., Suendo, V., & Soewandhi, S. N. (2020). Kinetic estimation of solid state transition during isothermal and grinding processes among efavirenz polymorphs. Heliyon, 6(5), e03876. | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2405844020307210 | Yes | Q1 |
Valentina Adimurti Kusumaningtyas | 412128864 | 2020 | Co-Author | Melina, E. K. P., Witanti, W., & Sukrido, V. A. (2020). Design and Implementation of Multi Knowledge Base Expert System Using the SQL Inference Mechanism for Herbal Medicine. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1477, p. 022007). | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1477/2/022007/pdf | Yes | No |
Valentina Adimurti Kusumaningtyas | 412128864 | 2020 | First Author | Kusumaningtyas, V. A., Syah, Y. M., & Juliawaty, L. D. (2020). Two stilbenes from Indonesian Cassia grandis and their antibacterial activities. Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment, 24, 1. | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Valentina_Kusumaningtyas/publication/341119652_Two_stilbenes_fr | Yes | Q4 |
Rahmaniar Mulyani | 412157080 | 2020 | Co-Author | R B,Satiyarti., R ,Ramadhan.,& R, Mulyani.,(2020).Identification of ATPase6 gene mutation from cimahi clinical isolates.Journal of Physics: Conference Series.1567(032059) | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1567/3/032059/pdf | Yes | No |
Esmeralda Contessa Djamal | 412127670 | 2020 | First Author | Djamal, E. C., Ramadhan, R. I., Mandasari, M. I., & Djajasasmita, D. (2020). Identification of post-stroke EEG signal using wavelet and convolutional neural networks. Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 9(5), 1890-1898. | http://www.beei.org/index.php/EEI/article/view/2005/1581 | Yes | Q3 |
Dwi Indah Lestari | 412189184 | 2020 | Co-Author | Adi, P. P., & Lestari, D. I.(2020) Strategic Based Budgeting, is it Necessary?.American International Journal of Business Management.3:(53-56) | https://www.aijbm.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/F325356.pdf | Yes | Q1 |
Elis Dwiana Ratnamurni | 412119167 | 2020 | First Author | ED, Ratnamurni., & Y Yun (2020). Competitive Advantage Model Through Integration of Supply Chains and Information
Technology in SMEs in Cimahi City.International Business Management.116-122 | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yunyun_Sujai/publication/343390047_Competitive_Advantage_Model_ | Yes | Q4 |
Eka Noneng Nawangsih | 412139671 | 2020 | Co-Author | S.P.Y PARYATI,. K .HASAN,. EKA.N.NAWANGSIH,.& Inayati Iis.(2020). Purification and Characterization of Rabies Anti-Idiotype
Antibodies Isolated from Chicken Egg Yolks.International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.12 (3). | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sayu_Putu_Paryati/publication/343933966_Purification_and_Charac | Yes | Q3 |
Siska Telly Pratiwi | 412183188 | 2020 | Co-Author | SPY Paryati., ST Pratiwi., EA Sitorus., DN Sundarti., S.Ratunanda., I Trimurtini,. &Nawangsih, EN. (2020).Immunomodulatory Effects of Probiotics Bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus and Streptococcus thermophilusas Fermenter in Soygurt.International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology.29(6792 -6801) | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sayu_Putu_Paryati/publication/343290660_Immunomodulatory_Effect | Yes | Q4 |
Atia Nurul Sidiqa | 412177283 | 2020 | First Author | Sidiqa, A. N., Zakaria, M. N., Artilia, I., Dewi, Z. Y., & Cahyanto, A. Evaluation of calcium ion release in calcium hydroxide prototype as intracanal medicament. | https://demo.ejournals.ca/ejournals/jdmfs.org/index.php/jdmfs/article/viewFile/1017/pdf | Yes | Q2 |
Atia Nurul Sidiqa | 412177283 | 2020 | First Author | Sidiqa, A. N., Zakaria, M. N., Artilia, I., Dewi, Z. Y., & Cahyanto, A. Evaluation of calcium ion release in calcium hydroxide prototype as intracanal medicament. | https://demo.ejournals.ca/ejournals/jdmfs.org/index.php/jdmfs/article/viewFile/1017/pdf | Yes | Q2 |
Ira Artilia | 412186675 | 2020 | First Author | Artilia, I., Zakaria, M. N., & Cahyanto, A. (2020). Setting Time, Handling Property and Mechanical Strength Evaluation of SCPC50 and Apatite Cement Mixture in Various Combinations. In Key Engineering Materials (Vol. 829, pp. 40-45). Trans Tech Publications Ltd. | https://www.scientific.net/KEM.829.40 | Yes | Q3 |
Priatna | 412164751 | 2020 | First Author | Prayitno, G. D., Pratama, V., Pujowaskito, P., Sartika, C. R., Rahmawati, V., Karina, N., & Facicilia, G. (2020). Case Report: Effect of Conditioned Medium Nasal Drop (CMND) and Intravenous Umbilical Cord-Mesenchymal Stem Cells (UC-MSCsIV) on the function of cardio respiration after 4 years Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) in RSPAD Gatot Soebroto. Cytotherapy, 22(5). | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1465324920302449 | Yes | Q2 |
Myrna Nurlatifah Zakaria | 412175080 | 2020 | Co-Author | Pahlawan, P. D., Farah, R. A., & Zakaria, M. N. (2020). White MTA as a Material to Seal Iatrogenic Perforation for Furcation Teeth: A Case Report. In Key Engineering Materials (Vol. 829, pp. 232-240). Trans Tech Publications Ltd. | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Myrna_Zakaria/publication/338251139_White_MTA_as_a_Material_to_ | Yes | Q3 |
Myrna Nurlatifah Zakaria | 412175080 | 2020 | Co-Author | Sahara, E., Farah, R. A., & Zakaria, M. N. (2020). Calcium Hydroxide as Intracanal Medicament in Pulp Necrosis with Periapical Lesion: A Case Report. In Key Engineering Materials (Vol. 829, pp. 226-231). Trans Tech Publications Ltd. | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Myrna_Zakaria/publication/338246855_Calcium_Hydroxide_as_Intrac | Yes | Q3 |
Myrna Nurlatifah Zakaria | 412175080 | 2020 | Co-Author | Sahara, E., Farah, R. A., & Zakaria, M. N. (2020). Calcium Hydroxide as Intracanal Medicament in Pulp Necrosis with Periapical Lesion: A Case Report. In Key Engineering Materials (Vol. 829, pp. 226-231). Trans Tech Publications Ltd. | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Myrna_Zakaria/publication/338246855_Calcium_Hydroxide_as_Intrac | Yes | Q3 |
Dyah Titi Setyaningrum | 412174083 | 2020 | Co-Author | Furqan, A. C., Wardhani, R., Martani, D., & Setyaningrum, D. (2020). The effect of audit findings and audit recommendation follow-up on the financial report and public service quality in Indonesia. International Journal of Public Sector Management. | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Dyah_Setyaningrum4/publication/341128207_The_effect_of_audit_fi | Yes | Q2 |
Fikri Alatas | 412152873 | 20202 | Co-Author | Ratih, H., Pamudji, J. S., Alatas, F., & Soewandhi, S. N. (2020). Improving telmisartan mechanical properties through the formation of telmisartan and oxalic acid co-crystal by slow evaporation and ultrasound assisted co-crystallization from solution methods. Songklanakarin Journal of Science & Technology, 42(1). | https://rdo.psu.ac.th/sjstweb/Ar-Press/2019Jan/2.pdf | Yes | Q3 |
Soraya Riyanti | 412169181 | 2020 | First Author | Riyanti, S., Dewi, P. S., Windyaswari, A. S., & Azizah, S. A. N. (2020). Alpha-glucosidase inhibitory activities of bungur (Lagerstroemia loudonii Teijsm. & Binn.) leaves and fruits. E&ES, 462(1), 012042. | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/462/1/012042/pdf | Yes | No |
Ragil Pardiyono | 412191779 | 2020 | First Author | Pardiyono, R., & Indrayani, R. (2020, March). Product Quality Control with Six Sigma and Preventive Maintenance. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1477, p. 052046). | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1477/5/052046/pdf | Yes | No |
Djoko Hadi Prajitno | 412195259 | 2020 | First Author | Djoko, H. P., Umar, E., & Dani, G. S. (2020, January). Evaluation corrosion behavior on commercial stainless steel SS 304 in Nano fluids water-Al2O3 system at different pH by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy methods. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1428, No. 1, p. 012025). IOP Publishing. | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1428/1/012025/pdf | Yes | No |
Djoko Hadi Prajitno | 412195259 | 2020 | Co-Author | Dani, G. S., Djoko, H. P., & Jupiter, S. P. (2020, January). Hydrothermally Synthesis of Al2O3 Nanoparticles for Nanofluids with Enhanced Critical Heat Flux. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1428, No. 1, p. 012023). | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1428/1/012023/pdf | Yes | No |
Bambang Widyanto | 412109554 | 2020 | First Author | Widyanto, B., Chaerun, S. K., Hartomo, W. A., & Rizki, I. N. (2020). Biocorrosion behavior of AISI 1006 carbon steel protected by biofilm of Bacillus subtilis by an iron-oxidizing bacterium and a sulfate-reducing bacterium. Journal of Bio-and Tribo-Corrosion, 6(1), 6. | https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40735-019-0301-1 | Yes | Q3 |
Bambang Widyanto | 412109554 | 2020 | Co-Author | Pratiwi, V., Yakti, B. P., & Widyanto, B. E. (2020, July). Flood Control Reduction Analysis using HEC-RAS due to Local Floods in Central Jakarta. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 879, No. 1, p. 012167). IOP Publishing. | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/879/1/012167/pdf | | No |
Damawidjaya Biksono | 412142867 | 2020 | Co-Author | Nelwan, L. O., Setiawan, R. P. A., Yulianto, M., Fachry, M., & Biksono, D. (2020, July). Simulation on vapour compression heat pump system for rough rice drying. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 542, No. 1, p. 012042). IOP Publishing. | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/542/1/012042/pdf | Yes | No |
Herry Oktadinata | 412197970 | 2020 | Co-Author | WINARTO, W., & OKTADINATA, H. (2020). Microstructure and Impact Toughness Relationship for Different Nickel Level of Electrode in Multi-pass FCA Welded SM570-TMC Steel Joint. 溶接学会論文集, 38(2), 154s-158s. | https://www.jweld.jp/quarterly/v38/SI/38_154s.pdf | | No |
Herry Oktadinata | 412197970 | 2020 | First Author | OKTADINATA, H., & WINARTO, W. (2020). Study on Residual Stress by Neutron Diffraction in SM570-TMC Welded by Flux-Cored Wires Containing Different Nickel. 溶接学会論文集, 38(2), 116s-120s. | https://jweld.jp/quarterly/v38/SI/38_116s.pdf | | No |
Herry Oktadinata | 412197970 | 2020 | First Author | Oktadinata, H., Winarto, W., & Siradj, E. S. (2020). Microstructure and Impact Toughness of Flux-Cored Arc Welded SM570-TMC Steel at Low and High Heat Input. In Materials Science Forum (Vol. 991, pp. 3-9). Trans Tech Publications Ltd. | https://www.scientific.net/MSF.991.3 | Yes | Q3 |
Martijanti | 412142572 | 2020 | First Author | Pratomo, A. N., & Juwono, A. L. (2020). Fabrication Process Optimization of Gombong (Gigantochloa pseudoarundinacea), Haur Hejo (Bambusa tuldoides) and Tali (Gigantochloa apus) Bamboo Fibers for Structural Application. In Key Engineering Materials (Vol. 851, pp. 172-183). Trans Tech Publications Ltd. | https://www.scientific.net/KEM.851.172 | Yes | Q3 |
Martijanti | 412142572 | 2020 | First Author | Martijanti, M., Juwono, A. L., & Sutarno, S. (2020).Investigation of characteristics of bamboo fiber for composite structures.IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.850 | https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/850/1/012028/pdf | Yes | No |
Fahrauk Faramayuda | 412171986 | 2020 | First Author | Faramayuda, F., Mariani, T. S., Elfahmi, dan Sukrasno (2020): Callus induction in purple and white-purple varieties of Orthosiphon aristatus (Blume) Miq., Biodiversitas, 21(10), 4967 - 4972, DOI: 10.13057/biodiv/d211063. | https://smujo.id/biodiv/article/view/6569 | Yes | Q3 |
Fahrauk Faramayuda | 412171986 | 2020 | First Author | Faramayuda, F., Mariani, T. S., Elfahmi, dan Sukrasno (2020): Callus induction in purple and white-purple varieties of Orthosiphon aristatus (Blume) Miq., Biodiversitas, 21(10), 4967 - 4972, DOI: 10.13057/biodiv/d211063. | https://smujo.id/biodiv/article/view/6569 | Yes | Q3 |
Fahrauk Faramayuda | 412171986 | 2020 | First Author | Faramayuda, F., Mariani, T. S., Elfahmi, dan Sukrasno (2020): Callus induction in purple and white-purple varieties of Orthosiphon aristatus (Blume) Miq., Biodiversitas, 21(10), 4967 - 4972, DOI: 10.13057/biodiv/d211063. | https://smujo.id/biodiv/article/view/6569 | Yes | Q3 |
Fahrauk Faramayuda | 412171986 | 2020 | First Author | Faramayuda, F., Mariani, T. S., Elfahmi, dan Sukrasno (2020): Callus induction in purple and white-purple varieties of Orthosiphon aristatus (Blume) Miq., Biodiversitas, 21(10), 4967 - 4972, DOI: 10.13057/biodiv/d211063 | DOI: 10.13057/biodiv/d211063 | Yes | Q3 |
Fahrauk Faramayuda | 412171986 | 2020 | First Author | Faramayuda, F., Mariani, T. S., Elfahmi, dan Sukrasno (2020): Callus induction in purple and white-purple varieties of Orthosiphon aristatus (Blume) Miq., Biodiversitas, 21(10), 4967 - 4972, DOI: 10.13057/biodiv/d211063 | https://smujo.id/biodiv/article/view/6569 | Yes | Q3 |
| | | | | | | Q1 |
Fahrauk Fadaramayu | 412171986 | 2022 | First Author | Influence of elicitation and precursors on major secondary metabolite production in cultures of purple Orthosiphon aristatus Blume Miq | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1878818122000512 | Yes | Q1 |
Fahrauk Fadaramayuda | 412171986 | 2022 | First Author | Influence of elicitation and precursors on major secondary metabolite production in cultures of purple Orthosiphon aristatus Blume Miq | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1878818122000512 | Yes | Q1 |
eddy winarso | 412110859 | 2023 | First Author | | | | |
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| | | Co-Author | | | extractvalue(1,concat(char(126),md5(1314203883))) | No |
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| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | convert(int,sys.fn_sqlvarbasetostr(HashBytes('MD5','1179636150'))) |
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| | | Co-Author | | extractvalue(1,concat(char(126),md5(1712360228))) | Yes | No |
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convert(int,sys.fn_sqlvarbasetostr(HashBytes('MD5','1624444303'))) | | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
Chandra Yudistira Purnama | 412170685 | 2023 | Co-Author | | https://doi.org/10.1080/23311886.2023.2209367 | Yes | Q2 |
Chandra Yudistira Purnama | 412170685 | 2024 | Co-Author | | https://doi.org/10.1080/09603123.2024.2415902 | Yes | Q1 |
Chandra Yudistira Purnama | 412170685 | 2024 | Co-Author | | https://doi.org/10.1080/09603123.2024.2415902 | Yes | Q1 |
Chandra Yudistira Purnama | 412170685 | 2024 | First Author | | https://doi.org/10.1080/09603123.2024.2415902 | Yes | Q1 |
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| hoepdxkohumitgndgavw | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | extractvalue(1,concat(char(126),md5(1989604987))) | | Yes | No |
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hoepdxkohumitgndgavw | | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
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extractvalue(1,concat(char(126),md5(1407051863))) | | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
convert(int,sys.fn_sqlvarbasetostr(HashBytes('MD5','1725746743'))) | | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | hoepdxkohumitgndgavw | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | extractvalue(1,concat(char(126),md5(1692890919))) |
| | | hoepdxkohumitgndgavw | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | convert(int,sys.fn_sqlvarbasetostr(HashBytes('MD5','1675208133'))) |
| | | Co-Author | | | hoepdxkohumitgndgavw | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | hoepdxkohumitgndgavw |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | extractvalue(1,concat(char(126),md5(1302857534))) | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | convert(int,sys.fn_sqlvarbasetostr(HashBytes('MD5','1080347318'))) | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | extractvalue(1,concat(char(126),md5(1600897392))) | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | convert(int,sys.fn_sqlvarbasetostr(HashBytes('MD5','1771484049'))) | No |
| extractvalue(1,concat(char(126),md5(1874789822))) | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| convert(int,sys.fn_sqlvarbasetostr(HashBytes('MD5','1898678141'))) | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | extractvalue(1,concat(char(126),md5(1479121518))) | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | convert(int,sys.fn_sqlvarbasetostr(HashBytes('MD5','1262776258'))) | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | extractvalue(1,concat(char(126),md5(1689085235))) | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | convert(int,sys.fn_sqlvarbasetostr(HashBytes('MD5','1761243144'))) | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | tpfvkwqdjhigwmqbtvch | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | tpfvkwqdjhigwmqbtvch | No |
| | | tpfvkwqdjhigwmqbtvch | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | tpfvkwqdjhigwmqbtvch |
tpfvkwqdjhigwmqbtvch | | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | extractvalue(1,concat(char(126),md5(1477137293))) | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | convert(int,sys.fn_sqlvarbasetostr(HashBytes('MD5','1702539419'))) | Yes | No |
| tpfvkwqdjhigwmqbtvch | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | extractvalue(1,concat(char(126),md5(1623297540))) | | | Yes | No |
| | tpfvkwqdjhigwmqbtvch | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | convert(int,sys.fn_sqlvarbasetostr(HashBytes('MD5','1632894907'))) | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | tpfvkwqdjhigwmqbtvch | Yes | No |
| extractvalue(1,concat(char(126),md5(1220805095))) | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| convert(int,sys.fn_sqlvarbasetostr(HashBytes('MD5','1160848693'))) | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | extractvalue(1,concat(char(126),md5(1453369972))) | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | convert(int,sys.fn_sqlvarbasetostr(HashBytes('MD5','1807972184'))) | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | extractvalue(1,concat(char(126),md5(1474763382))) | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | convert(int,sys.fn_sqlvarbasetostr(HashBytes('MD5','1521756399'))) | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | extractvalue(1,concat(char(126),md5(1989803217))) | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | convert(int,sys.fn_sqlvarbasetostr(HashBytes('MD5','1664950330'))) | No |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | extractvalue(1,concat(char(126),md5(1870105879))) |
| | | Co-Author | | | Yes | convert(int,sys.fn_sqlvarbasetostr(HashBytes('MD5','1034608513'))) |
extractvalue(1,concat(char(126),md5(1090530280))) | | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |
convert(int,sys.fn_sqlvarbasetostr(HashBytes('MD5','1688789151'))) | | | Co-Author | | | Yes | No |